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Timeless steel products
Made in the Netherlands
14-day return policy
Delivery within 3 weeks
Radiator measurements
Easy & quick

Measuring service via video call

During a video call, one of our measuring service consultant will measure your radiators and/or air-conditioning units together with you. Our advisor will write down the measurements and make an offer. After the appointment, you'll receive the offer via e-mail.

How it works

1. Make an appointment
Schedule your own appointment on the desired date and time.
2. Measuring tools
Make sure you have a measuring tool (such as a tape measure) at hand during the call.
3. Video call
Our advisor will call you via Whatsapp or Facetime and guide you through the measuring process.
4. Quote & order
After the video call, you will receive the quotation by e-mail. You can place your order immediately.
Colour samples

Colour samples

The measuring consultant can show you samples of our colours and designs during the video call. Prefer to see the colours in real life? Then order some colour samples in advance, so you can tell our advisor your choice of colour during the video call. Our colour samples have a delivery time of 4 to 5 working days.

Radiator cover The Original Sentimo RAL 9010

Useful info

A video call usually takes around 30 minutes, depending on your wishes. Our advisor guides you in measuring the radiators and/or air-conditioning units. We provide a full guarantee of the correct measurements, so you don't have to worry. The costs of the measuring service via video call are €15,- including VAT. These costs will be charged after the call.

Make an appointment now

You can schedule your appointment yourself at your preferred day and time.