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Sentimo Safety

Radiator cover: for the safety of your children

The winter period is around the corner and radiators are being turned on again. A child can get ugly burns from radiators. This is why it is important to cover up the radiator and, if possible, its pipes.

Radiators can become very hot and your child can accidentally burn himself. A conventional radiator can get warmer than 55 degrees Celsius! The radiator cover of Sentimo Safety is specially made for optimal heat conduction and designed so that the surface does not get warmer than 30 degrees Celsius. This makes the Sentimo Safety suitable for all day nurseries and homes, so that children can play around carefree.

Sentimo Safety: child-friendly radiator cover

Sentimo Safety: child-friendly radiator cover

The Sentimo Safety is made for optimum heat emission without the outside of the radiator cover getting hotter than 30 degrees Celsius. This makes Sentimo Safety perfect for nurseries, playgroups or families with young children.

Despite reducing the temperature on the outside of the Sentimo Safety, there is hardly any heat loss. The grille on the top and the open bottom mean that the convection heat of the radiator continues to work. The room then still stays nice and warm, but your radiator is child-friendly.

Easy to maintain

Because children like to use their hands and mouths to explore the world, it is convenient that your radiator surround can be kept clean easily. A Sentimo radiator cover is very simple to keep hygienic by using a damp cloth. You don't need any chemical detergent which is of course ideal for your little one and his or her health.

A sleek and safe design

Besides protecting Sentimo Safety from radiator heat, it still has a unique and modern design. It looks just like our 'Original' radiator cover. The design of the Safety line even offers extra safety with its rounded corners. Despite all these modifications, the Sentimo Safety radiator cover can simply be ordered in all colours and designs.

Sentimo Safety: child-friendly radiator cover (1)

Also want to order a Sentimo Safety?

We manufacture the Sentimo Safety on request only. Feel free to contact us and give us the measurements of your radiator(s). We will be happy to make you an offer.

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