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Timeless steel products
Made in the Netherlands
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Delivery within 3 weeks

5 reasons to choose Sentimo

Tired of looking at the old radiators in the house? Then try getting them out of your sight! There are countless ways to get rid of the annoying appearance of your radiators. We are happy to give you 5 reasons why Sentimo is the best solution.

1. An asset to your interior

A Sentimo ensures that the radiator is neatly covered. This is very beneficial for your home and interior. But did you know that you can make your Sentimo radiator cover an asset to your interior? Due to the wide range of colours and the different types that are available, you can make a radiator a part of your interior. The radiator below has been transformed into a truly stylish interior object by means of a Sentimo.

2. An easy solution

It is possible to replace old radiators with shiny new ones. Be prepared to invest some money, because new (design)radiators aren't cheap. But if you are looking for an affordable and above all easy solution, a Sentimo radiator cover is a good solution for you.

3. Design your own radiator cover & assemble yourself

As Sentimo is a DIY-solution that doens't take more than 5 minutes to assemble, you can do this all by yourself. You can easily put together your own Sentimo via our handy online tool. The tool indicates exactly what you need to measure to get the best result for your specific situation. Mounting can then be done in a few simple steps using the supplied magnets.

Radiator cover The Original Sentimo close up

4. Optimal heat conduction

The Sentimo radiator covers are made of steel. This material, in combination with the magnets, ensures that the heat is optimally conducted. The warm air can rise through the top of the cover into your home.

5. Always here to help you!

If you need advice about your radiator, you can always contact us. From help with measuring to advice on design. Our customer service is available on weekdays via or +31 (0) 315 688 656. Please also take a look at our frequently asked questions.

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